My Recently Visited Services

Request a consultation with a PeopleSoft Functional Analyst

Add/remove a user to update NSCC’s on-campus digital signage. Must include: Name, W# and details of required access.

Use this Service Request if none of the other options fit your needs.

Report an issues with printing to a NSCC network printer

Get help with Cognos, including user access, and interpretation & use

MyNSCC issues including generating transcripts, viewing class schedules, credit card payments and issues viewing your T2202A

Use this Service Request if none of the other options fit your needs.

Use this Service Request if none of the other options fit your needs.

Request permission to have elevated permissions added to your NSCC account or computer

Use this service to remove ALL course content to reset back to an empty shell. Resetting this course will permanently delete this data. This cannot be undone by you, your organization or D2L.

Need documentation or other support resources related to technology at NSCC? Request it here.

Request content updates  for the Working Here section on Connect.

Access and Connect content requests and support via Marketing and Communications Service Desk.

Get help with email, including access to another email account, email aliases, changing the name on your email, mass emails and distribution list creation and changes

Get help running a PeopleSoft Finance Report

Add/remove a user in’s Cascade CMS or request training. Must include: Name, w#, and details of required access.

Requests specific to PeopleSoft Finance Accounts Payable including Control Groups and vouchers

Support for Cognos reports and Financial Budgeting and Forecasting

MyNSCC self service login issues including invalid user ID or password

Request the posting of an update for a specific campus audience on Connect.

Updates to Student accounts including adjustments, waivers, write offs, manual charges and accommodated reductions.

Request assistance with a report or query

Request a new landline, handset, move, disconnect, other landline services, fax line or Teams Calling / VOIP