Update or Modify a Student Account

What is this Service?

Use this service to request an update or modification to a Student's account.

These updates and modifications include:

- Apprenticeship waivers
They are posted via tuition calculation, in the event there are multiple blocks, a waiver must be posted manually via a service request

- Writeoffs
A writeoff is posted when an outstanding student balance needs to be cleared followed by a WRT service indicator to block future enrolment

- NRTDs 
Used for posting for a 'No Show' student

- Adjustments 
Posted to debit or credit a student account, specifically after a term closes

- Accommodated Reduction 
For students who have an approved reduction in unit load, they pay the length of the program (certificate or diploma) and can take up to twice the usual duration of the program at no additional cost

- Self Service 
Includes Online Application, Make a Payment, Self Service Enrolment

- Third Party Contract (TPC)
Outstanding charges are migrated from a student account to a external organization (sponsoring account)

Who can request this Service?

  • All staff who have specific security access within PeopleSoft


Request Service


Service ID: 21329
Thu 7/13/17 3:03 PM
Thu 3/9/23 3:52 PM