Add External Learning Tool (LTI)

What is this Service?

Brightspace courses can be integrated with the eLearning sites of various publishers.
To request an LTI that has previously been integrated with NSCC’s Brightspace:

  • Faculty can request the LTI be added to their course
  • Existing integrations available:
    Cengage, McGraw-Hill Connect & SIMnet, Pearson Mastering & MyLabs, Willo Labs, Evolve / Mosby, Dawnsign, MyOpenMath, Goodheart Wilcox, Films On Demand, and LibGuides Manual Tool (LibApps).

To request a NEW LTI integration with NSCC’s Brightspace:

  • Must be requested by an Academic Chair
  • Ask the vendor to complete the appropriate form linked here before submitting this request.
  • DO NOT commit to using an LTI in a course until it has been approved AND tested in Brightspace to prove it will work successfully. You will receive confirmation from an LMS Analyst once the integration is working successfully. With some LTI integrations it takes a significant amount of time to configure them to work properly. If the vendor does not have any Brightspace customers with a working integration, there’s no guarantee the integration will work properly with Brightspace.


Who can request this Service?

  • Academic Chairs
Request Service


Service ID: 21104
Wed 7/5/17 10:02 AM
Fri 1/26/24 10:33 AM