Intune - Automated Windows Updates

What is this?

This article contains instructions for scheduling reboots for updates as well as other general info about how updates are automatically applied to devices. By being proactive about your computer's updates you can avoid interruptions and performance issues slowing down your workday. 


At least once per month, Windows devices will require a reboot to apply updates. You will be prompted with a notification similar to this one:

a notification popup showing that Windows is prompting the user to schedule required updates for the device


To ensure minimal disruption to your work day, we recommend rebooting as soon as possible.

If you won't need your device you can choose "Restart Now". Keep in mind updates can take some time and this is best done overnight or at the end of your day. With a little planning you can schedule it for outside of your work hours using the Pick a Time function as follows:

1. Click "Pick a Time"

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

2. Ensure the blue slider is set to "On"

3. Choose a time for the restart to take place when you do not need your device. This can even be done overnight!

4. At this point you can close the settings window and continue with your day.

5. Leave your device plugged in with the lid open to ensure it is able to perform updates. This is especially important if you plan to update overnight or while you are away.

Remember: You can use Windows key ⊞ + L to lock your device for security.

What Happens if I don't Restart for Updates?

Windows will do its best to avoid installing updates during your active hours but there is a limit. If you don't allow Windows Updates to apply and reboot within 7 days of them becoming available, the device will automatically reboot, regardless of what else the device is being used for. As these updates can take some time it is best to be proactive before the 7 day cut off.

To ensure the reboot does not interrupt your work, call, or presentation, you must allow it to reboot as soon as possible. Use the scheduling instructions above to ensure that the reboot happens when you are not using the device

About Updates

This section contains some information about when updates can be expected and the settings around how they will be applied

Active Hours: These define the typical work hours. When new updates are released, the system will try to apply them outside of Active Hours. Active Hours start at 6AM and last until 10PM, daily.

Activity Check: The device does an activity check outside of normal Active Hours. If you continue using your device after Active Hours, Windows will not attempt to automatically reboot until you stop using it. If you do work in the evening, it is even more important to be proactive and schedule your updates so they happen when you are not using the device.

Deadlines: There is a deadline after which Windows will force a reboot, regardless of what else the device is being used for. This deadline is seven days after the update becomes available. This deadline applies to any update that requires a reboot, such as Windows Updates or Driver Updates. Once the deadline is reached, the device will reboot no matter what else it is doing, including any work, calls, or presentations you may be involved in. Use the scheduling instructions above to ensure that the reboot happens when you are not using the device.

Windows Updates: Microsoft releases updates for Windows once per month on "Patch Tuesday". Patch Tuesday is the second Tuesday of each month. These updates require a reboot.

Office Updates: Microsoft may release updates for Office at any time of the month. These updates do not usually require a reboot, but may close Office products in order to apply. To prevent disruption, ensure your work is saved to OneDrive and that autosave is on.

Driver Updates: Drivers, (the software that allows other software to interface with hardware) may be updated as well, and may require a reboot. These updates can come out at any time of the month.




Article ID: 90523
Mon 11/20/23 11:10 AM
Thu 3/21/24 9:30 AM