Requesting Signatures using Outlook

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This article outlines how to send a document out for signatures using Outlook and Adobe Sign.



  1. Create an email as you normally would, and add the email recipients to the To: field in the order that you would like them to sign. Attach the document.
  2. On the row of icons at the top or bottom of your email select the small Adobe Sign icon. If you don't see it, click on the three dots to show hidden icons.

photo of steps 1 & 2

  1. Once the Adobe Sign window opens, click on the Continue button near the bottom.

photo of step 3

  1. This will open a new window. Scroll through your document until you can see the area for signatures and then select your recipients from the list on the right side of the window.
  2. For each recipient, drag the Signature field onto your document. Do this for each recipient.

photo of step 4 & 5

  1. Drag the Transaction Number field onto the bottom of the page
  2. Press the Send button at the bottom, right of the window.

photo of step 6 & 7

Each recipient will receive an email with a link to sign the document, one at a time in the order that they appeared in the To: field. A copy of the signed document is sent to all recipients and the sender.



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Article ID: 90272
Tue 10/25/22 12:18 PM
Thu 11/16/23 2:02 PM

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