How to install InTune on your Apple iPhone for BYOD

What is InTune?

InTune is a set of tools used to manage and maintain the use of mobile devices within an organization. For NSCC all mobile devices such as Apple iPhones and Samsung Galaxy devices must be entered into InTune.

For NSCC-provided cell phones:

  • When the end user recieves their NSCC device and turns it on for the first time they will be prompted that the device is managed by NSCC and that they need to complete the InTune Company Portal registration in order to use the device. 

For users participating in the Bring your own device program:

  • Users are required to install and log into InTune on their device. 


Setting up an Apple iPhone With InTune 

To setup an iPhone with InTune you need to first download it from the Apple App Store. You will need to be logged into the store to download any apps.

  1.  Go to the "Apple App Store" on your device.

  2. At the bottom right of the App Store select "Search". At the top of the app in the search bar type in "InTune" then select the "Search" button.

  3. One of the first results will be "InTune Company Portal". Select the download button to install.

  4. Once installed select "Comp Portal". This is the "InTune Company Portal" app that needs to be setup.

  5. When you see the "Company Portal" login screen enter in your full NSCC ID (ex. then select "Next". If you're already logged into the device with an account you will see your account listed.
  6. You will then see a NSCC login screen where you will need to enter in your full NSCC ID & password.

  7. If prompted for two-step verification please complete.

  8. Once login has completed you will see "Set up Nova Scotia Community College access" screen. Select "Begin" to continue.

  9. You will be asked to review the "Device management policy". Select "Continue".

  10. Next, you will need to download install the management profile. Select "Allow".

  11. Once downloaded you need to go to "Settings > General > Profile > Management Profile. Here you need to select Install & Trust. Once done return to InTune Company Portal.

  12. If during the remaing setup you get a popup "App Management Change" please select "Manage". This will allow required applications permission to be installed. If canceled the popup will return until "Manage" is selected.

  13. You will be asked to enable "Location Services". Select "Settings and enable "Location Services" for "Comp Portal".

  14. Return to "Comp Portal" by selecting/tapping "Comp Portal" in the upper left hand corner.

  15. When you return to the "InTune Company Portal" app select the device type you're setting the app up on.

  16. Select "Continue" to update device settings.

  17. If you do not have a password set or it does not meet the six character requirements you will see a prompt telling you that it needs to be updated. 

  18. If you needed to change your password return to "Intune Company Portal" and select "Check Settings".

  19. Once complete you should see a green checkmark beside each step. If so select "Done".

  20. Once complete you will be asked if you want to allow "Intune Company Portal" notifications.

  21. Your device has now been setup with NSCC's MDM/EDM Management solution.
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Thu 5/28/20 1:58 PM
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