Automatic email forwarding to other email addresses


To ensure the security of the email system, the College has restricted the ability of users to set up a auto-forwarding rule on their NSCC email.


What is this?

Email auto-forwarding to external email addresses is disabled.
You are able to forward all your messages to another NSCC mailbox.

Also, forwarding of individual email messages to an external email account is allowed.



Auto Email forwarding to external accounts is disabled

Automatic forwarding of NSCC email to an external (non-NSCC) mailbox has been disabled.

To ensure the security of the email system, the College has restricted the ability of users to auto-forwarding their NSCC email to external addresses.

This is standard security practice in many organizations as forwarding email increases the risk of phishing scams and negatively affects our security score with groups like Microsoft.

This also ensures users are compliant with the NSCC Email Policy, sections 3.1 and 3.4:

  • “Employees of NSCC shall not use any non-NSCC email accounts for carrying out NSCC business or processing NSCC business records.”
  • “Use of College email services must not lead to disruptions to or impacts on College email services and internet access.”

Employees and students are expected to use their emails for all NSCC related business and information.



Auto-Forwarding to another NSCC mailbox is allowed

Automatic email forwarding to another NSCC mailbox is allowed, and can be used in cases of a prolonged absence etc.
To set that up, the email forwarder should follow these steps in WebmailEmail auto-forwarding


If you have any questions contact the Technology Service Desk or see your campus Digital Innovation & Technology team.



Article ID: 68830
Wed 12/12/18 11:30 AM
Tue 2/27/24 2:11 PM