How to Fill out a Basic DPO

What is this?

Division Purchase Orders (DPOs) allow you to request purchases through College budget channels. This article serves as a general guide to filling out the DPO form and provides examples of the process.

Each department has different requirements for what information is needed on a DPO, and as such this is not an exhaustive guide. Check with your departments Budget Owner, likely your manager, to see if there are additional requirements.

DPOs At A Glance

The following is a quick overview of the basic DPO. The following suggestion contains an example of each numbered section if further information is required.


Section 1

Each DPO has a unique identifier. Cici begins by filling in her department number in the top right to create this. She then cheks with her manager of what requirements and information is needed surrounding quotes and fills this information in.

Section 2

Cici now specifies which vendor she is using in the Issued To field, and where she would like to recieve the item in the ship to field. In this case the budget owner is her manager and uses their address in the invoice to field to make sure they receive the documentation.

Section 3

Cici fills out all individual items that are being requested from the vendor and calculates the total cost. She double checks if her department or the account she is billing has any policy surrounding items that may need to be purchased in a group.

Section 4

Finally she signs off on the document and brings it to her manager to approve as the budget owner. Cici knows she does not have to get a signature on the received by line as this will be taken care of when the document is moved along.

Cici takes this moment to double check with her manager she has billed this item to the correct account as she has never made this type of purchase before. Her manager reassures her that she has the information correct and as this purchase is not tied to a project she did not have to fill out that section.


Article ID: 90543
Sat 1/13/24 1:27 PM
Thu 4/11/24 2:06 PM