Managing Display Settings with Instructor Workstations (IT Campus)

What is this?

This KB Article is for managing display settings at the instructor workstation located in the following classrooms. 

Institute of Technology Campus

  • D124, D125, D126, D127, D225, D227, D325, D327. 

The instructor workstations (IWS) have a dual monitor setup while also connecting the the large room display. Please remember the following before reading the instructions. 

  1. Display settings and resolution are unique to the instructor profile (applied when you login). When you change your settings, it only affects your profile at that specific PC. 
  2. You will have to set these settings when you login to each room for the first time. The PC will load your profile settings at that PC whenever you login and apply the last settings you had. 
  3. Changes another faculty makes at the PC before you only affects their settings when they log in. 
  4. These are best practices and recommendations from Digital Innovation and Technology. You can change your own settings to fit your own requirements. 
  5. Please do NOT attempt to move the IWS or change the IWS. 

The following instructions support the following. 

  • Monitor 1 (left on the IWS) is the main display and is NOT visible in the room
  • Monitor 2 (right on the IWS) is mirrored with the Large room Display (assigned the number 3)
  • Resolutions and zoom recommendations support the best viewing experience for students in the room.  
  • Secured and professional cable management.
  • IWS can be easily hightened or lowerd without detaching cables. 


1. After you turn on the PC and Large Room Display, login. Right click on the desktop and select 'Display Settings'

2. Click 'identify' to know which number was assigned to each display. 

3. Rearrange your displays by pressing and holding a display, drag and release. 

2. With the Monitor on the left selected (at this moment it might be 1 or 2) Select it (it will appear as a blue square (see above). 

3. Scroll down and choose make this my main display if not already selected.. You can ignore the 'extend desktop to this display' at this moment.

4. Select your 2nd monitor by clicking it like you did for the 1st monitor

5. Under Multiple Displays, click the drop down menu and select 'Duplicate desktop on 2 and 3'. 

7. Check your resolutions, and confirm that they are both 1920 by 1080. 

8. (OPTIONAL) to enhance the size of your content you can scale the size of text, apps, by clicking the drop down menu and selecting 150%. Best practice would be to make this setting to both Monitor 1 and 2. 




Article ID: 90080
Wed 10/6/21 1:34 PM
Wed 3/20/24 3:35 PM