Apple - iPad First Boot Setup With JAMF Remote Management

Tags iPad iOS iPadOS

What is JAMF?

All NSCC Apple computers & iPads are managed using "JAMF" which is an Enterprise Device Management solution to deploy, set up and manage Apple computers. 


First Boot With JAMF Remote Management

When you turn on your iPad for the first time or you've followed the steps for "How To Erase & Reset An iPad To "Out Of Box" State Submitted" you will be prompted with the "Remote Management" screen which means your device will connect to NSCC's JAMF Enterprise Device Management solution to deploy, set up and manage the device. 

Remote Management Screen 



How To Setup An iPad With JAMF Remote Management

  1. When you turn on the iPad you will need to select the preferred language and Country.

  2. You will then need to select Wi-Fi.

  3. When connecting to NSCC's "eduroam" make sure to "Trust" the certificate to connect to Wi-Fi.

  4. When you see the "Remote Management" screen this means the iPad is connected to NSCC's management solution. Please select "Next".

  5. You will see a prompt that the device is being setup and configured by NSCC

  6. The iPad will open up to the home screen of the iPad showing you the default applications. Very shortly after loading the home screen you will see a prompt to enter in a device passcode which is required for all NSCC mobile devices. Please select "Change Now" and enter a passcode of your choice.

  7. The iPad has now been setup with NSCC's Remote Management Solution. If the device has been setup to receive required applications as seen below they will gradually install on their own.


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Article ID: 90074
Wed 9/22/21 11:47 PM
Thu 3/21/24 9:40 AM