How to log a request

Tags how-to

What is this?

Instructions on how to log a ticket in Print Services & Copyright Service Desk.



1. Select your service. Can't see the service you're expecting? Make sure you're logged in in the upper right hand corner. 


2. Review the service details. Make sure this is the service you want, and that you're eligible to request it.


3. Choose " Request Service."


4. Provide the required information. Fields with a red star (*) are required. 

Remember: you can't save a ticket and come back to complete it later, so make sure you have all of your information gathered.

5. Once you have filled in all of the information, click the Request button at the bottom of the page.

6. Your ticket will automatically be assigned to the correct group to either review or print your request. You will receive a notification letting you know your request has been received. 


Article ID: 90194
Thu 5/26/22 12:19 PM
Thu 5/26/22 12:38 PM