Popular Services

Request content updates for nscc.ca

Use this Service Request if none of the other options fit your needs.

Support for existing web applications and forms (i.e. Web Cal, Fees, Con Ed, Contact Form, WAM, etc.).

Report an issue such as website down or other technical issue for Connect

Request content updates  or new pages for the Services & Info section on Connect.

Request a redirect or a shortcut URL (ex: nscc.ca/connect).

Editors with questions or who need support for nscc.ca's Cascade Content Management System (CMS).

Request a print or digital product to support recruitment for all lines of business, college-wide initiatives and events.

Marketing manages all branding, promotion and advertising of College programs, signature events, college-wide initiatives and activities internally and externally.

NSCC has an archive of photography available to support the marketing and communication of College-wide activities and initiatives.

Request content updates for Campus pages on Connect.

Communications provides advice and planning to manage NSCC’s reputation, support college-wide changes, announcements and initiatives.

Add/remove a user in nscc.ca’s Cascade CMS or request training. Must include: Name, w#, and details of required access.

Request the posting of an update for a specific campus audience on Connect.

Access the suite of NSCC logos and usage guidelines.

Editors with questions or who need support for Connect (NSCC's Intranet).

Download College PowerPoint template for delivering presentations to internal and external audience.

Request corporate collateral and promotional items to support college events, meetings and conferences.

Access College and Campus letterhead templates.

Add/remove a user in nscc.ca's Connect (i.e. student and employee intranet) or request training. Must include: Name, w#, and details of required access.

Request the posting of an update on Connect with a College-wide audience, i.e. all campuses.

Report an issue such as website down or other technical issue for nscc.ca and subsites.

Use this Service Request of no other options fit your needs, or you would like to request a new website, software application, form, email templates or user experience (UX) testing, etc.

Use this service to request the addition of an event with a College-wide audience.

Add/remove a user for the Web Application Manager (WAM), or to request training. Must include: Name, w# and details of required access.