Create Recorded Videos using Teams

Yes it's very easy to record yourself in Teams!  

There are many ways and various tools you can use to create video content to share to an audience. Each process requires different skills, knowledge and access to software.  All students, staff, and faculty can easily create recorded content using Microsoft Teams. This is the easiest and quickest way to record content. 

The Process defined in this article helps with the following requirement. 

I want to record myself and(if required) share a powerpoint or other online content and then share my recording easily. 

This guide walks you through doing just that. 

  1. Schedule and Record Yourself in Microsoft Teams
  2. Sharing your own screen and content including videos with audio. 
  3. Sharing your video.

Pro Tips - Be prepared before hand with your presentations and what you want to say

Schedule and Record Yourself in Microsoft Teams

1. In Microsoft Teams, Click on Calendar in the left panel and then Click "Meet Now".  

2. This is private unless you invite other participants. Change the name of your meeting (which will be the name of your recording), Set your camera settings to your webcam and select your mic after clicking Custom Setup.

3. Now when you are ready to begin, Click the (•••) and click Start Recording. Make sure to introduce yourself! When you want to share your screen. Click the Share Screen button (the box with the arrow) and select your screen if you want to include a presenation.

4. If you plan to Share video and audio make sure to check the box Share System Audio.

REMINDER - Sharing video and audio you may notice a drop in overall quality - This is normal. 

5. When you are done with your video, click the ••• and stop the recoding. You're done!  

6. Your video will show up in the 'Chat' Tab of teams. Click the ••• located next to the thumbnail of your video and click 'Open'


7. It will open up a web browser with your video. You can click the 'Share' Option in the top tool bar and easily send it anyone in NSCC and external guests as well. 

8. You can also find ALL of your Non-Channel meetings in your One Drive. You will have a 'Recordings' folder as described below. 


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Article ID: 89903
Thu 7/30/20 3:55 PM
Tue 8/9/22 12:53 PM